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Professional Boxwood Maintenance Products

Do what the grower does!

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TOPBUXUS Professional Boxwood Care Products

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Our tips for the best

Boxwood Maintenance

Here you will find all information you need to maintain your Boxwood and recognize potential problems


TOPBUXUS started and is still today a family owned and run business. Adrie van Dun and his father Janus founded the company in 1987 and developed into one of the largest Boxwood growers in Europe. By 2011, we grew our production to over 12 million Boxwood plants that were shipped worldwide. Key to growing Boxwood with superior performance was our curiosity and continuous scientific research and testing of innovative products and care practices that would improve the overall health of the Boxwood plant.


My box hedge extends across into the neighbours garden, about half in mine, half in hers.
When I took over this property, the hedge on my side was in a very sorry state, and I began applying this Restore & Protect Mix. The following spring it really took off, and started filling out beautifully.
Then this spring, the whole of the neighbour's section was very severely hit with box-blight. Though the neighbour did prune out (and burn) the very worst-hit areas, the great majority remains, with a c.75% leaf loss.
Nevertheless, the blight has not spread along the hedge into my side, even though the light/wind conditions are the same. The only difference that I can see is the Restore & Protect Mix that I have been applying through the year as per instructions.
E. S.
I have used Topbuxus twice and it has helped. The boxwood is starting to recover, it looks much healthier and i think the box will now survive. I am glad I tried it and will be getting some more.
I was recommended this Anti Caterpillar treatment by a friend and after just one application the results were stunning. The caterpillars just turned black and died within hours, saving over half the hedge where they had not yet munched.

Quite astonishingly effective stuff, easy to apply with a pump spray applicator, hugely relieved to have saved our hedge.
Duncan C.
Great product and made a real difference to our boxwood this summer. Now lots of new growth after 2 applications.